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LIFEHACKS Bible Giveaway

Hot off the press is the NIV LIFEHACKS Bible. What is a LIFEHACK you ask? “A ‘LIFEHACK’ describes any shortcut, tip, or skill that helps you get things done more efficiently and effectively.” (Back cover).

Researchers tell us it takes 21 days to create a new habit.

The LIFEHACKS Bible’s goal is to assist you in making those new habits successful. The LIFEHACKS Bible contains 365 articles that serve as practical tools for successful spiritual habits. Each article engages the reader in three areas of Read, Habit, and Practical Takeaway

  1. Read: the Scripture wisdom

  2. Form new habit by engaging in the practical tip or lifehack

  3. In the space provided, contemplate and write out your personal takeaway

This hard back Bible retails for $34.99, but could be yours for free! GIVEAWAY !


1.) SUBSCRIBE to with your first name and email address (I do not share you information with anyone). You’ll receive a weekly dose of encouragement from my red chair.

2.) Already one of my subscribers? Simply SHARE this post via Facebook or Twitter. Sharing will automatically enter you in the giveaway. Remember, only subscribers who share are entered to win.

3.) If you don’t have those social media accounts, e-mail me at to submit one entry for the giveaway. (Multiple emails don’t count as multiple entries, sorry.)

*You can share and enter as many times as you like.* Share. Share. Share.

The winner will be announced on Tuesday, June 28, 2016 in my weekly blog post and on social media.

For more information check out this site:

Happy sharing,


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