By April Dawn White
For the past year, I have examined every angle and nuisance of the word anchor. As 2015 comes to a close, I’ve decided to reflect on what God has taught me though this weighty word.
Anchor [an-ker] noun
A heavy metal device attached to a ship that catches hold of the bottom and holds this ship in place.
Something that serves to hold an object firmly[1]
On January, 14, 2015, I shared in the post, Anchor: My Word for 2015 how I examined the shape and purpose of the anchor.In my journal I wrote; “Lord, I don’t know what you are planning for me in 2015, but I trust you. You are my Anchor – My hope -My foundation. I will hold onto You, and the weight of the cross will hold me in place.
On January 1, 2015 I christened the New Year by creating a painting of an anchor and Hebrews 6:19. Every morning I smile as I look at the bright colors of my simple artwork. I rest in the assurance of whatever this year brings; my soul is anchored to the Lord, firm and secure!
In the post Anchor: A Symbol of Hope, I shared that the first century Christians used the anchor as a symbol of safety and hope. The first to follow Jesus were fishermen. Because of their occupation, an anchor would have been a common piece of equipment for Christ’s first disciples, thereby making an anchor a recognizable symbol of unfailing hope for all who believe.
On February 5, 2015 I explained what happens, When the Anchor Moves.

When a ship drops anchor, it does so to:
Keep the vessel from drifting away
Stabilize itself from the waves and current
Maintain current location/position
Preserve the ship from being shipwrecked in a storm.
Stay put
God showed me the significance of raising an anchor. When the captain of a ship raises the anchor, it signifies to the passengers that it is time to move on the next port-of-call. When an anchor is raised, it is time to move on to the next new adventure!
When a ship raises the anchor it does so to:
Leave its current port-of-call
Set sail to a new adventure
It signifies a new journey ahead.
I don’t know what lies ahead for this year. Will continue to have our anchor dropped at our current location? Will God raise the anchor and set sail for a new adventure? I don’t know what God has up His holy sleeve, but I trust in the Captain of my vessel. I am holding firm to His anchor.
In the February 24, 2015 article Get a Better Grip, I examined the parts of an anchor. God showed me, my position will determine my rest. Yes, I could dangle from the shank of God’s anchor, but wouldn’t it be more restful if I stood firmly upon the anchor’s palm, if I stood firmly on His palm?
My weary heart reminded to:
“Take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees.” (Hebrews 12:12 NLT)
“Stand firm and keep a strong grip on the teaching we passed on to you both in person and by letter.Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope, comfort you and strengthen you in every good thing you do and say.” (2 Thessalonians 2:15-17 NLT)
In March, I shared my victory over depression in the article, Holding Hands. When I sense the dark fog rolling in, I run to the tear crinkled pages of my Bible. With one hand I grab hold of the anchor of hope found in God’s word. With the other hand, I squeeze the mighty right hand of God.
On December 21, 2015, exactly one year from the day I heard the words “I will be your anchor. Hold on with both hands”, Chris and I sat in my neurologist’s office and heard these words: “Mrs. White, I need to schedule you for an MRI to rule out Multiple Sclerosis.”
Faith in the name of Jesus Christ is my Anchor.
I have welcomed each day of 2015 reading, writing, or speaking my verse for 2015:
“We have this HOPE as an ANCHOR for our soul, firm and secure.” (Hebrews 6:19)
Debbie Macomber writes in her book, One Perfect Word, “Trust comes easier when our faith is solid.”[2] Those words ring true in my life. I am not fearful for my future, because I trust in God. My greatest gift this Christmas is the supernatural peace God has given me great peace about this neuromuscular health issue.
Friend, I don’t know what season you are currently facing. Whether you are in a season of smooth sailing or treacherous waters, remember in Christ we have an anchor of hope for our soul, firm and secure! Hang on!

Wishing you a faithful and faith-filled New Year!
P.S. Other articles in the Anchor series include:
[1] Mish, Frederick. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Springfield: Merriam-Webster, 2004.
[2] MacComber, Debbie. One Perfect Word. Nashville: Howard, 2012.