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This morning’s sunrise reminded me of a November Break-In I will never forget.

It was a early morning frigid winter day. The temperature hovered around the ’30s. My family had already left for work and school. In the predawn hours of silence I sighed at all I had to do that day. I was aggravated by the writer’s block for my Christmas letter. With coffee in my hand, I padded out of the kitchen. On my way to the basement, something out-of-sort caught my eye. There on the counter rested my husband’s work keys, wallet, and cell phone. I grabbed my coat and the forgotten items and bolted out the door.

I thought, surely, I could catch up to my family. For miles, I drove down the dark country roads hoping to catch up with them at The Country Store. Nope. Grrr. Now, I’m cold, frustrated, and grumpy. It’s still pitch dark and I’ve got things to do at home I thought! I turned the car around and decided to play my favorite song off the new Christmas CD by David Crowder Band, my favorite band. As a child of the ’70’s and ’80’s I love to hear a guitar shred. And DCB’s rendition of Carol of the Bells is my favorite version of that normally quiet song.

As I drove East towards home, I saw the most spectacular sunrise! The Carol of the Bells, blasted through my stereo speakers as the sun rose. It was as if God himself was choreographing the sunrise to the music. Dun, dun, dun, da, Dun, dun dun da was the melody to Carol of the Bells. The base of the drums could be felt and heard. I immediately began to cry. I felt the very presence of God all around me, blanketing me on that cold Winter morning.

And God spoke….Let there be light. -Genesis 1:3

“No, do not stop!” I said out loud. I continued to drive East, passing the turn for my neighborhood. I pulled over to a small hill and played the song over and over again. The same God that spoke our world into existence was painting a glorious sunrise that day and I did not want it to end! The most magnificent hues of magenta, tangerine, turquoise, and violet. I have been fortunate to witness beautiful sunrises from Ireland to Hawaii, but nothing compares to the sunrise on that cold November day. ..Nothing.

While listening to the music and watching The Creator paint the sky, I imagined God standing at the edge of Heaven with a paint brush in one hand and a conductor’s baton in the other. As He choreographed the sunrise to the music, the paintbrush and the baton.

God spoke two simple words to me: “Life Interrupted.”

I am so thankful for the way God Broke into my life that day.

So thankful for interrupting my morning to reveal His glory!

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. -Psalms 19:1

~ April

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