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Doughnuts and Duck Dynasty

Out of the blue, my ten-year-old son announces that his favorite thing about Sunday School are the doughnuts. His honest statement caught me by surprise for several reasons. I don’t remember what we were talking about, but whatever it was did not include Sunday School nor doughnuts. I was embarrassed to think my son’s interest in Sunday School was based on his desire to be fed with powdered sugar. Smiling, I suppressed the urge to say “We go to church to learn about God not to eat.”

Later that week we visited a bookstore. A Veggie Tale movie was playing and my children sat with their eyes glued to the television screen. I was able to shop for Christmas ideas without being interrupted. While the kids were distracted by the talking vegetables, I set out to look for new children devotions for our kids for Christmas. I sat on the floor with books forming a semi-circle all around me. Twenty minutes later I was still searching. Feeling a little like Goldilocks looking for the one that was “just right.” I said to myself “no this one isn’t colorful enough, this one is too boring, this one is too wordy.” With an exasperated sigh I prayed “Lord, none of these devotions seem just right for Andrew. If you want him to have a devotion for Christmas, then Lord you’ve got to show me.”

I called for the kids and we began to leave. As I pushed through the door I heard “Mamma wait!” I turned to see Andrew looking at a display of Duck Dynasty paraphernalia. With excitement in his eyes, he said to me, “I want this Duck Dynasty devotion book!” Holding back a laugh, I said “Okay honey, maybe for Christmas.”

He had no idea I was searching for devotional books for Christmas, nor did he know that just around the corner I prayed for God to show me what book to get. I love how God works!

During the drive home I reflected on the significance of doughnuts and Duck Dynasty. I prayed “Whatever it takes Lord, whatever it takes.” Whatever it takes to get my children interested in reading and learning about our Almighty Lord…even if it a camouflaged and served with powdered doughnuts on the side.

“Love the Lord God with all you hear and with all your soul and with all your strength. Impress these commandments to your children. Talk about it when you sit at home and when you travel down the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates.”

Deuteronomy 6:5-9

As I sat down to share this with you I was reminded of how much I enjoy a cup of coffee served in our church foyer during Sunday School and the Celebration Service. Again, I say “Whatever it takes Lord, Whatever it takes!”


“May you and I be mutually encouraged by each others faith.” Romans 1:12

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