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Faith While Waiting for Answers

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“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord” (Psalm 27:14, NIV).

The earth has twirled on its axis for one hundred and four days since the genetic lab received my sample.  As a biology major and pharmacist, I am curious to discover the hidden wonders revealed from unraveling the double helix DNA structure that God so intricately wove together. Sequencing my entire genome will show the good, the bad, and the ugly. I will know if I am a carrier for the periodic paralysis gene, breast cancer gene, and the Alzheimer’s gene. I will also know if I am the milkman’s daughter (just kidding Dad). These test results will aid my team of specialists to rule out suspicious conditions and provide greater clarity for my future treatment.  I’ve waited for fifteen weeks.

The waiting is driving me crazy.

To tell you the truth, I’ve wrestled with God over these test results. Why is it taking so long? I thought that once I finally cycled through the stages of grief and accepted this neuromuscular disease as my “new normal” that somehow <poof!> all the answers would come flooding in, but I was wrong.

I’m still waiting.

Days before my highly anticipated second opinion at Duke Medical Center I read these words penned from David, “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord” (Psalm 27:14, NIV). What I thought I needed was answers, but God knew my heart needed a word from the Lord. “Wait for the Lord” repeated twice in verse fourteen.While my mind wrestles for understanding, my soul searches for peace. Click To Tweet

While at Duke, the neurologist eased my mind when she stated, “I’d be surprised if you had genetic results this early.” What seemed like an eternity to me, she considered early. Then the doctor asked me to return next month for further testing. We agreed with the idea to return, but that meant one concern–more waiting.

I’ve lost count at the number time I’ve sat in a waiting room. When the explanation of benefits statement arrives before the medial diagnosis…have faith and wait on the Lord. Maybe your waiting room isn’t in a medical center, but in the interior room of your heart.

What are you waiting on? How can David’s command to “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord” (Psalm 27:14, NIV) bring you peace in the waiting room of your heart?

Waiting in faith alongside you,

~April Dawn White

*All Scripture is NIV from Bible Gateway.*Images courtesy of Pixabay.

© 2016 April Dawn White, All rights reserved

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