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Good Things

This morning I sat in our screened porch, rocking back and forth on our newly refinished glider. While sipping coffee, I smiled as I listened to the patter of the rain. My coffee mug has a hand crochet mug warmer, a birthday gift from a friend. The glider was a wedding gift to my parents almost fifty years ago. Mom and dad offered it to me before taking it to the dump. With a little TLC, including minor welding from my beloved, and several cans of spray paint, it’s as good as new! I sit in silence as I watch the earth awake. While watching the robins and cardinals I speak out loud my verse for 2014:

“How abundant are the good things the Lord has stored up for those who fear him; good things to be given to those who seek refuge in him.”

-Psalms 31:19

I am feeling nostalgic this morning. Perhaps, it is the quiet morning or sitting in a vintage glider. Perhaps it is because I am only days away from my thirty-ninth birthday. But for whatever the reason I decided to make a list of all the “good things” that come to mind in no particular order. I’m sure I will be constantly adding to this list, but here is what I have this morning:

Abundance of Good Things:

Newly restored metal glider painted red

Crochet coffee mug holder

Fresh picked eggplant from a co worker’s garden

Harvest of cucumbers and tomatoes from our garden

Roses in bloom

Faint sound of the ice cream boat in the distance

Cannonball splash contests

The sounds of “Hey mom, watch this!”

Neighbor’s grand kids coming over to play

Secret date with Andrew while Rachel was at Fiddle Camp

Watching Rachel practice dance routines from Expression of Faith Dance Camp

Andrew’s perseverance on the soccer field and scoring goals even though the opposing team was twice his size

My children asking me to pray for them

The children telling me they prayed for me

My beloved husband and best friend

The protection of our marriage

Flying kites on the beach

Boogie boarding with Andrew

Collecting shells with Rachel

Seeing my sister smile and relax at the beach

Crabbing with my Dad

Walks on the beach with Mom

Teaching Rachel to sew PJs and pillows

Rachel teaching me to play the violin (I can rock Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!)

Top down on the convertible

Overwhelmed by the love of a relentless God

Andrew and Rachel receiving art lessons from Grandma Lois on the deck

Porch sitting on a rainy day

Flowers, just because

Friends who reach out

Hand written note of encouragement

Weekly “sew therapy” with a friend

Book clubs and Bible studies

My prayer warriors who take the business of prayer seriously

Sense of satisfaction from pulling weeds and hauling mulch

A good book

Quiet time in God’s word before the family awakes

Being reminded of simple yet profound truths like:

“The Lord remains faithful forever!” Psalms 146:6 and

“The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.” Psalms 147:11

My cow painting called Ebbie- a visual reminder of what God did during a time of fasting and prayer (See post titled “Selling Cattle” on 3/28/14)

After camp, Rachel said she felt closer to God asked for a pink BB gun

Andrew words to me every time we depart: “I love you, I miss you, be safe.”

Researchers say gratitude is the best thing we can do for our own mental heath. As I reflect on these “good things” I realize there are very few tangible things on my list. Instead there are times shared with those I love the most, moments together, strengthening relationships, making memories, and leaving a legacy of faith in Christ. That my friend, truly is an abundance of good things!


“May you and I be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” Romans 1:12

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