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Grace period vs. Grace.

Recently our son received an “F” on an open book test. Our 4th grader is a solid A/B student, so for him to receive such a bad grade was shocking. Rather than getting upset, I asked “Andrew what happened? This is not like you. Did you understand the assignment? Did you understand this was an open book test and the book held all the answers?” I explained that I would issue grace of this assignment.

The concept of grace continues to swirl in my mind. So does the questions I asked my son. I wonder… -Do I understand my assignment (here on earth). -Do I realize that God’s book holds all the answers to life’s questions. -Do I understand the peace that only grace can provide?

A few days later I was talking to my friend Karen and we were discussing the concept of grace. Her words still resonate in my mind. She told me she had been spending time reading the writing of Paul in the New Testament. All throughout Paul’s writing he explains that it’s not grace + work, nor grace + _____(whatever we try to fill in the blank).

It’s just grace period.

There is a literary term called a double entendre which is a figure of speech used to describe when a word or phrase has more than one meaning. For example grace period and grace.

Grace period. Vs. Grace.

Grace. The Latin phrase for grace alone is sola gratia. Salvation is made by grace alone through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. For example: Ephesians 2:8 “It is by grace you have been saved, through faith, not by anything you can do. It is a gift from God.”

Grace period is defined as the time past the deadline for an obligation during which a late penalty that would have been imposed is waived.

Once again I think about Paul’s writings…grace alone, grace period, grace. Paul understood the peace that only grace could provide. Saul was born after Christ’s death and was raised to hate Christianity. In fact he persecuted and even killed those who believed in Jesus (Acts 9:1). While on the road to Damascus, to persecute more Christians, Jesus himself appeared to Saul (Acts 9:3-31). And as my mom says “Jesus yanked him up by the back of the neck.” He was a changed man. He changed his name from Saul to Paul and eventually wrote half the books of the New Testament. Over 80 times in his writings Paul talks about grace.

“I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.”

Paul’s words in Acts 20:24

We have all been touched by God’s grace. Perhaps you are in the season of a grace period. I would love to hear your testimony of grace. Friends, God wants us to share with others the evidence of grace in our lives. You can email me at


“May you and I be mutually encouraged by each others faith.” Romans 1:12

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