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Gravatar glitch: A Lesson in Humility

Image courtesy of Pixabay

My debut article for Inspire a Fire, posted Monday, June 8, 2015 with a small glitch.

The content of the article and my biography uploaded without any problems. However, next to my biography was a gravatar icon, instead of my picture. A gravatar is a globally recognized image recognized by various social media sites. Elsewhere on the Inspire a Firewebsite, under the “who we are” tab my photo uploaded correctly. Why didn’t my photo post with the article? I am not technologically savvy, so I contacted a few computer gurus for help.

I stepped away from the computer feeling more frustrated at my selfish heart than at the gravatar icon. Humbly, I prayed:

“Lord, forgive me. The content of the article and your Word is more important than whether or not my picture is there. I don’t even need my picture seen. My writing should always only be about you. Lord, forgive me for spending too much time worried about whether or not my stinkin’ picture is seen.”

Image courtesy of Pixabay

I poured a cup of coffee and read Jesus Today, by Sara Young. The devotion I read for Monday (day 120) stated, “Take heart as you live in this broken world…your troubles are part of My majestic master plan…” The whole devotion spoke of momentary troubles, difficulties, and leaning not on your own understanding. (Ha, ha, ha even computer glitches.)

God is previous as He showed me in Monday’s devotion. During prayer time God reminded me (as my mother would say) not to get too big for my britches. As a writer, my purpose is to point readers to seek His face, not my own. I realize not everything I write will be perfect but, it should be the Lord that shines through.

Many thanks to my computer friends for the much needed tech support. However, I’ve decided to leave the gravatar icon for now.



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