I was not surprised when my soon-to-be-seven-year-old requested shiny silver shoes for her birthday. This comment perfectly describes our daughter. Although little orphan Annie sang “You’re never fully dressed without a smile,” Rachel would disagree. She would say you’re never fully dressed without a pair of shiny shoes. Gold, silver, or pink with glitter, she loves them all. She enjoys dressing up and prancing around the house in high heels, jewelry, gloves, and purse. Don’t let the matching sequin handbag fool you she is a tom-boy at heart.
I smiled as I peeled a layer of artwork off the refrigerator. Hidden beneath the other masterpieces was a drawing of a Precious Moments character dressed like a soldier. Rachel brought this home from children’s church as part of a lesson on “The Armor of God,” in Ephesians chapter six. When I asked about the shoes on the coloring sheet, Rachel responded “Those are my high heels for God.”
Put on the full armor of God so that when the day evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground. Stand firm in the belt of truth, armor of righteousness, shield of faith, sword of the spirit of God’s word, the helmet of salvation, and that your feet are fitted with the readiness of the gospel. (Ephesians 6:13-17, paraphrased)
That same week, I read about Corrie Ten Boom. I immediately recognized this as no mere coincidence. I learned how her family chose to remember God’s word during the dark time of Nazi reign. When her family was arrested by Hitler’s regime, they would whisper to each other “What do you have in your shoe, Daddy?” “What do you have in your shoe, Betsy?” “What do you have in your shoe, Corrie?”
“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” -Corrie Ten Boom
I learned that in their shoes were torn pages from their Bible. Corrie’s family had placed scripture from Romans, Second Corinthians, and Ephesians in the sole of their shoes. While they suffered from starvation and Nazi Concentration Camps they literally walked on the Word of God. I imagine that is exactly what God intended when Paul wrote “that your feet are fitted with the readiness of the gospel” (Ephesians 6:17, NIV).
I think about Corrie’s family and their courage. Would I have such courage? I hear the birds chirping, the hum of the refrigerator, and gentle whirl of the ceiling fan—all indications of a comfortable life. I begin to sing an old song from church. “Standing on the promises of God, my Savior, Standing, Standing, I’m standing on the promises of God.”
I was challenged to read the scriptures Corrie’s family hid in their shoes. God has a promise He wants us to stand when the “day of evil comes.” I will be standing on this promise from Psalms 105:4, “Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always.”
“If God sends us stony paths, He provides strong shoes.” -Corrie Ten Boom