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Multiplication Lesson

“When God enters the equation, His output always exceeds your input.”

-Mark Batterson, The Circle Maker

Over the years, my kids have taught me ‘new math,’ but nothing compares to God’s math!  In God’s math class, he doesn’t subtract or add, HE MULTIPLIES!

My favorite illustration of God’s math was when Jesus fed five thousand people (not including women and children) with a little boy’s lunch.

“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish,but how far will they go among so many?” (John 6:9, NIV)

Like the little boy who shared his lunch, I too have little to offer.  Also like the boy, I have firsthand knowledge of God’s enormous response to simple offerings.

I prayed, “Lord, five loaves and two fish.”

SHC logo

“Breaking the cycle of malnutrition, ONE LIFE at a time.”

In March of 2015, I allowed advertising on the Red Chair Moments website.  My mission was to use the site to raise money for Serving His Children, a non-profit organization that provides nourishment to children in Jinga, Uganda. However I never had peace about this decision to sell ads.

Two weeks later I revoked the advertisements. I prayed, “Lord, if you want to raise extra money for Serving His Children, you’ll have to find another way.” I took my meager $0.65 profit and wrote the smallest check to Serving His Children. Prior to handing over the check, I prayed “Lord, five loaves and two fish.”

Walk by Faith Not by Sight

With prompting

from my writing mentors, I took a faith leap and attended the five-day Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference in Asheville, NC. There, I was invited to submit articles for consideration to Focus on the Family’s Children’s magazine, Clubhouse and Clubhouse Jr.  In November of 2015, Clubhouse purchased a craft article! Six months after I prayed for God to find another way to raise money, I presented Serving His Children with a check for $75.00!

“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much.” (Luke 16:10, ESV)

God’s Math

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My $0.65 faith check in March multiplied over 1000 times to a $75.00 faith check six months later.

Little is much when God is in it!

I am excited to announce Clubhouse purchased another article for the 2016 magazine. Like the little boy who shared his lunch, I too have little to offer.  Also like the boy, I have firsthand knowledge of God’s enormous response to simple offerings.

 “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” (John 6:9, NIV)

Do you have a story of a time God multiplied your faith and obedience? Please share below!

To God be the glory!


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