Last week I began a study of the book of Revelation. I asked God to reveal something to my heart and he answered. I didn’t expect God to answer me in Greek, but he did. Nikao, was the Greek word spoken to my heart.
Nikao: verb: to overcome, to conquer, to get the victory. (Here’s an interesting fact: Nikao is the word from which the American athletic gear corporation derived it’s name Nike.)
On Friday, I shared about God’s faithfulness. The ink on the page wasn’t even dry before my husband called with bad news. In an instant the evil one tried to swoop down and steal our joy. Clouds of oppression tried to hide the rays of hope. I reminded myself I am Overcomer!
“In order for us to be an Overcomer or Conqueror we must have something to overcome,
or something to conquer.”-Beth Moore
While getting ready for my morning run I went through the motions of physically putting on “The full armor of God” in Ephesians Chapter Six. Each article of running gear became my battle armor. I called out loud “check” as I dressed in armor. Breastplate of righteousness (check), belt of truth (check), my baseball cap was my helmet of salvation to protect my mind from Stinkin’ Thinkin’ (check), shield of faith (check), sword of the spirit which is God’s word (check). As I sat on the edge of the tub to lace up my running shoes and looked at the logo I was immediately reminded of Nikao!
The final piece of The Armor of God was the shoes of the readiness of the gospel of peace. Gospel means “good news.” Friend, I have good news! You are an OVERCOMER! In my imagination the shoes of God’ armor are Nike’s!
Over the weekend, my coworker asked if I had heard the newest Mandisa song called “Overcomer.” (God is so cool! My coworker didn’t know we were struggling and yet He used her to reach out to me!) I went home and watched it on You-Tube three times. (Clink on the link below for to watch the video.) The words to Mandisa’s song was a balm to my heart. This morning the clouds of oppression rolled away and the rays of hope shined. The hope was always there, we just couldn’t see it for the clouds.
Don’t give up! You might be down for a moment, but don’t give in! Put on The Full Armor of God and fight! Lace up your shoes because you are an Overcomer!
In all things we are more than conquerors through Christ who loved us.
-Romans 8:37
Who is it that overcomes the world? Anyone who believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God!
-1 John 5:5
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world!
-John 16:33
Dear children of God, I have overcome them (evil) because greater is He that is in you
than who is in the world. -1 John 4:4
“May you and I be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” Romans 1:12