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Promise Gained

I am camping out on the famous “By Faith” Chapter of Hebrews chapter eleven. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1, NKJV)

Faith is my full-time job.

I am encouraged each time I read the history lesson of what God did for His people who acted by faith. The Bible lists many triumphs of His people, but the end of the chapter it is as if the writer ran out of paper and quickly wrote: “I do not have time to tell you about…” and he lists numerous people.

What caught my attention this week were the words:

“Through faith [they] GAINED WHAT WAS PROMISED.” (Hebrews 11:33).

I do not hold the answers, but I am holding onto faith in the name of Christ.  God’s word encourages me that through faith I will gain what was promised. I too will add an addendum the the famous “By Faith” chapter.

By faith, April, believed in the in the promises she would gain and it was well with her soul.

~April Dawn White

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