Last week I traded my red chair for a rocking chair on the dock. I hadn’t planned on having devotions outside, but as I filled my coffee mug I felt God nudging me, go to the dock. I had no reason not to, other than the fact that I always have my morning devotions in my favorite red chair. While still in my pajamas I slipped on my flip flops, grabbed my bible, journal, pen, and of course my coffee and headed for the dock.

A few days earlier, my husband had found 5 duck eggs in a flower pot on the dock.
I thought to myself ‘while I’m on the dock I’ll check on the eggs’. To my surprise I found the mama duck sitting on her nest.

As I approached the nest the mama duck flew off.
When I exaimed her nest I noticed that she now had 10 eggs covered in feathers.
I photographed the scene then retreated to my rocking chair.
As I retreated back, the mama duck returned to her nest.
I sipped my coffee and meditated on the scene before me.
God granted me a real life example of Psalms 91:4
“He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge;
his… faithfulness will be your shield.”
I sat reflecting on the significance of all that God showed me. God reminded of His wings of protection over us, all the time. Unlike the mama duck who flew off when an intruder crept up, God does not move. God is not distracted by our circumstances. He does not flinch when our world shakes violently because of the rough waters of life.
He continues to sit, protecting us.
“For the Lord, your God is always with you, He never leaves you nor forsakes you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6
Day-by-day we continue to check on the nest. Each day feathers cover the eggs more and more. As I sipped my coffee, I wondered why the duck chose this location? She chose a pot that still contained last Summer’s dead flowers, doesn’t the stems bother her?
Isn’t it uncomfortable? God reminded me that He protects us under His wings,
even when life isn’t comfortable and even when we are in a less than desirable sitatation. Perhaps, you too are in a less than desirable situation and uncomfortable. Friend, remember that God wraps you in protection, shielding you with His faithfulness, not moving from your current place.
“God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved;
God will help her when morning dawns.”
Psalms 46:5
“May you and I be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” Romans 1:12