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Remember The Promises

“Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always” Psalm 105:4

“Remember the wonders and miracles He has done” Psalm 105:5

“God remembers his promises forever” Psalm 105:8

These three verses leapt off the page and into my heart this morning. It was Psalm 105:8 that was the clincher “God remembers his promises forever.” Forever. Our children are a fan of the movie The Sandlot which consists of a group of kids who slowly draw out the syllables of the word forever like this: Fooooor-eeeeev-errrr. (Oh go ahead and say it aloud, you know you want to). So as I read that verse my mind automatically said it like this: “God remembers his promises Fooooor-eeeeev-errrr” As I reflect on these particular passages I am reminded to seek God’s face always. When my circumstances begin to look grim I need to see to remember all the miracles and wonders that not only has God done for me personally, but also what He has done for others. (Psalm 105 gives a detailed account of what God did for his people). I need to remind myself that God’s timing is always perfect (a promise found in Habakkuk 2:3) and He has good plans for me, plans for hope and to prosper (Jeremiah 29:11). But more importantly, I needed to remember that God, unlike myself, doesn’t have a memory problem. God doesn’t have to leave himself a note! God remembers his promises FOREVER! There are hundreds perhaps thousands of promises from God found in the bible. Rather than sharing a promise list, I encourage you to SEEK your own promise. God promises if you seek you will find (Matthew 7:7). If you don’t know where to begin, start by typing “Promises of God” in your web browser.Go play hide and seek with God, hide yourself away and seek his face! ~April “May you and I be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” Romans 1:12 P.S. The image above was found on Pinterest (another great place to find Promises of God).

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