This morning I awoke before the sun. Alone with my thoughts I watched the sunrise. Hues of pumpkin and magenta splashed across the sky. Life has been quiet in my red chair lately and I’m not sure why God has remained quiet. In my prayer journal I wrote “Whether in a whisper or in surround sound, Lord speak. God, your Word says ‘I The Lord do not change.’ Your word does not return void. Lord, thank you in advance for speaking to me today.” Today, in my bible study, I read the Hebrew name of God “Or Olam” which means Everlasting Light. As I studied God’s name of Light I recalled the earlier sunrise. “The Lord’s splendor covered the heavens…His brightness was like the light; sun rays flashed from his hand.” Habakkuk 3:3-4. Throughout the day, I caught glimpses of light reflecting off the water and of sunbeams dancing across the floor. Each time I stopped and gave praise to Or Olam our Everlasting Light. Later in the day, I sat at my computer and decided to reread some previous posts (hoping if God spoke to me then, perhaps he would now.) Instead of accessing the posts I somehow got connected to the statistics page. I sat dumbfounded as I saw the list of countries in which someone has read RCM; thirteen countries other than the USA. I walked to the window and closed my eyes feeling the warmth on my face. Humbled, tears pooled onto my turtleneck sweater as I whispered “God, this is too much for me, but not for you. Point someone I’ve never met to you Lord.” I continued to stand at the window as music fills the room. Song lyrics by the band Afters catch my attention: “You light, light, light up the sky, Light up the sky to show me you are with me.” Tonight I found myself back where I started, in my red chair. Our family is watching the parade of boats. In the cold dark night, the boats (highly decorated with Christmas lights) are clearly visible. As the final boat cruises by, fireworks explode from the back. Once again these song lyrics fill my mind, “You light, light, light up the sky, light up the sky to show me you are with me.” This morning, I asked God to speak to me. The Everlasting Light reminded me of several valuable lessons. First, God is always with us, even when we don’t feel His presence nor hear His voice. Secondly, we may never know the full impact our life has on others. Thirdly, as Missionary Otto Konning says “God is looking for ways to prove himself strong in our life.” One great way is to ask God to speak! ~April “May you and I be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” Romans 1:12
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