Do you remember learning this song in Kindergarten. “A is for apple, B is for ball, C is for cat, and D is for dog.” This week God taught me that Strength is for Service. “Lord, give me strength to get through the day.” This simple prayer was whispered over and over throughout the past ten days. While the kids and I were on Spring Break, my love was traveling for work. I had arranged several exciting activities to keep our minds occupied. I even surprised the kids with a weekend away to visit daddy. We ate dinner with him every night and during the day while he was at work, we played tourist. Our return home was bittersweet. We all had to return to work and school. I was physically, mentally, and emotionally zapped. I had nothing left to give and yet I still had four more days before my husband would be home. I continued to pray: “Lord, give me strength to get through the day.” One morning while reading the book of Romans in the message version. The wording of Romans 15:2 spoke to my tired heart. “Strength is for service, not status.” Immediately God spoke directly to my weary heart. He reminded me that the strength I had been praying for (and which He provided daily) was for service, not my comfort. Oh how I needed the strength to serve little hands this past week. And how thankful I am that each day God answered my prayer, giving me strength to serve. ~April
P.S. For my dear friends who are a single-parent everyday, I pray that God provides you an extra measure of grace and doubles your strength, while you serve! “May you and I be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” Romans 1:12