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What Promise has God Given You?

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Bible scholars suggest the Bible contains over 8,000 promises. By my rough estimation that equates to one promise a day for 22 years!

Recently a friend asked me two heart searching questions:

  1. “What song do you hear God singing to you?”

  2. “What promise has God given you about your circumstance?”

“I don’t know” was my answer to both questions. Never in my life have I considered these two questions.

Guilty of pondering more than praying, I committed these two questions to prayer. I shared the answer to the first question in the article, “What Song is God Singing over You. (Click to read, if you haven’t read it yet).

I bookend each day in prayer. Earlier that morning God revealed the song He was singing over me, “Good, Good Father” by Housefires II.  Tucked into bed, I continued to pray for God to reveal his specific promise to me for this season of my life


He answered with this verse:

“And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.” (1 Peter 5:10, NIV)

Christ HIMSELF will restore me. He HIMSELF will return my strength. 

Himself. That one word promise is all I need. 

Has God given you a specific promise for your current season? If so, please share.


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