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What Song is God Singing Over You?

Designed especially for Red Chair Moments by Sonia Hancock

A gaggle of children ran down the hall, anxious to beat the bell. Meanwhile, my friend and I met to pray in the school cafeteria. Prior to praying for me, she asked two heart searching questions.

First she asked, “What song is God singing over you?  

“You mean, God singing over me in Zephaniah 3:17?” I questioned back.

“Exactly!” she remarked.

“I don’t know. I’ve never actually thought about God singing over me.”   I replied.

“You should think about it. God is singing over you.” She continued, “Ask Him.”

“The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness ; he will quiet you by his love;  he will exult over you with loud singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17, ESV)

The following morning, I prayed, “Lord, please reveal what song you’re singing over me. Please sing louder, because I can’t hear you.”  Cupping my mug of liquid mercy, I gazed out the window. It felt like an eternity passed. I begged, “Lord, please sing louder.”

A soft tune waltzed in my mind and I began to hum. Words joined the dance and I began to sing “Good, Good Father”

by Housefires II.

God tenderly reminded me I was not alone in my struggle. He is my Abba Father. He is a good father.  He has his fingerprints all over my life and I am loved by Him!

Friend, I ask you the same soul searching question. What song is God singing over you in your current season?


P.S. Stay tuned next week for the second heart searching question.

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