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Yes Lord!

This week two friends and I began a small bible study for the summer. We are participating in the Anointed, Transformed, and Redeemed bible study given by speakers Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore, and Kay Arthur. Below is an email I sent out in response to completing the homework for Day one. I send this email out from my red chair, sipping on the umpteenth cup of coffee, still in my PJs. God told me to share this with my Red Chair Moment friends.


This is only Day one, Week one of bible study and I already feel God pulling me even closer to him. I am excited to be on this journey with you of reshaping our hearts to look likes God’s. I am anticipating God to do BIG things in our lives, not because we deserve it…oh no, but because we are being obedient to him and saying YES LORD!

God has a sense of humor and his timing is always perfect. I’ve been working on giving up control daily. In fact, I told God in a prayer, that I no longer wanted to be his back seat driver. (I’m good at that ya know..telling God what I think he ought to do). Just as I drink my coffee daily, I need to relinquish control, daily. So now every time I think about coffee, pour my coffee, or even contemplate coffee, I ask God to take control of my life, my marriage, our children, our health, our finances, and our jobs. I surrender my concerns and my opinions to the Creator of ALL (including the creator of coffee).

As I listened to Priscilla Shirer’s “Yes Lord” prayer God began speaking to me using my children. My first born is much like me, strong willed, opinionated, and stubborn. He is a rapid responder and problem solver. He is quick to jump in mid sentence with his idea without even letting me finish speaking. My daughter, on the other hand, will sit and listen to what I have to say without interrupting. However, she will moan and whine for a little while before completely the assigned task. Often times, all I want my kids to do is listen to my instruction and say “Yes ma’am” without any additional commentary or moans. If you are around me and my kids long enough you will hear me say either before or after giving instruction “all I want to hear are the two words, Yes Ma’am.”

Oh no, I realize that God probably thinks the same thing about me! All God wants to hear from me is “Yes Lord!” He doesn’t need my opinion nor my commentary, and he certainly doesn’t want to hear my moan and whine.

All God wants to hears are two words: YES LORD!

Yes Lord Prayer

Lord, I want to prepare my heart so that I can say YES LORD to your will, YES LORD to your way. Whatever you want me to do, whatever you are already planning for me I want to say YES LORD to you. Lord Jesus, I am expecting a word from you right now. I am prepared to say YES with my mind, with my heart, and with all of my strength. Speak Lord, for your servant is listening. In Jesus name, in JESUS name, IN JESUS NAME! Amen.

Prayer by Priscilla Shirer given at the Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed event.


“May you and I be mutually encouraged by each others faith.” – Romans 1:12

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