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50 Shades of Grace Part IV

Sunday night our daughter came into the family room with her pink bible in hand. She made a bold declaration that this is her favorite verse in the whole bible.

“For by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is gift of God, not by works,

so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

My mind immediately went to this Grace project. I prayed. I asked God, if it is His will, to stir up others to share. The next day two things happened to encourage me and prove that God was answering my prayer. First, a friend called and said she has something she is working on sharing. Then, another friend posted the following on her Face book wall. My friend Mary, gave permission for me share this. Enjoy!

“I’m so thankful for big… little boys who still love to read books with their sister, play super heroes and hug their mommys. Thankful for his teacher who pulled his tooth today and that he put it in a bag and didn’t give it to me since I accidentally threw his last tooth across the store 🙂 Thankful for a little girl who wanted to decorate her science project in hot pink duct tape and another big… boy who grabs my hand to make me smile, and wants to help me pick his favorite photos for the photography page. I’m thankful that when he’s nervous about a doctor’s appointment he’s honest enough to say he trusts me “98% of the time” 🙂 Thankful for friends to laugh about life with and friends who became my family and patiently help me dig through the hard things, be extra hands in the daily (and go out of their way to do it), and enjoy the wonderful. And it’s amazing how much happier everything is when there is a fire in the fireplace. Amazing. 🙂 Thankful to see God’s hand. Thankful to know that everything is grace. Everything.”


Friends, if God has been tugging at you heart to share, be obedient and blessing will follow.

You may send your story to me at


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