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Jesus IS: A 50 Shades of Grace Series

Shades of Grace is a series in which others are invited to share their personal story of God’s grace revealed in their life. If you feel God prompting, please email me- I would love to share your story of God’s endless grace.

The following is a letter I received from a friend. Her Christmas will be spent far removed from her family and friends. But in her isolation, she is not alone. God has been speaking tenderly to her heart, revealing the truth of Christmas.

A message from Angie:

“Jesus is the reason for the season.” We hear it like a slogan everywhere around the holidays, but we don’t truly “get it.” It’s only when finding myself in a situation where I have nothing – no decorations, no baking, no shopping, no gifts to wrap, no dinner to attend, no cantatas to enjoy, no family or friends near, no warm comfortable home, no crafts to make, no school plays, no cinnamon candles burning. It’s only then when there is truly nothing, that I put 100% of my focus on the birth of Christ.

I always “kept Christ in Christmas” with nativity scenes and angels, attending services, baking a birthday cake for Baby Jesus, sending “religious” card, reading the Christmas story, etc. But when all I can do to keep from crying my eyes out about all I’ve lost and what I don’t have this year is to pray and read Luke 2 over and over, these slogans take on a different form for me. Jesus isn’t the “reason” for the season; He IS the season. Keep Christ “in” Christmas? No. Christ IS Christmas.

No, our Savior is not a slogan attached to a holiday. He IS. He always has been and always will be. I pray that more people will “get” it and be especially blessed this Christmas season. All the other things are blessings- the decorations, music, gifts, family and friends and fellowship. Be very thankful for all of these blessings. But…

Jesus IS.

“Today, in the city of David, IS born to you a Savior, who IS Christ the Lord.”

-Luke 2:11

Merry Christmas!


“May you and I be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” Romans 1:12


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