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Anchor: My Word for 2015

In the latter part of 2014, I began praying for God to reveal a verse for the coming year. Images of an anchor came to mind. I began to see anchors everywhere.  As I prepared to decorate for Christmas, I removed the welcome sign on our front porch to temporarily replace it with a Christmas wreath. I know this sounds silly, but for the first time, I took notice that our welcome sign has an anchor attached.

I continued to pray about the verse for 2015, unsure if an anchor was part of God’s plan. While at church on Sunday, December 21, 2014, I heard God whisper in my spirit “I will be your anchor. Hold on with both hands.” I stood to sing with the others at church all the while thinking to myself: “Hold on with both hands?  Why? What’s going to happen in 2015 that will cause me to hold with both hands?” A feeling of dread washed over me. God whispered again “Everything will be okay, but you’re going to have to hold on to my anchor with both hands.“

A sense of relief replaced the dread; God said it was going to be okay. Later that morning, God got my attention again when our pastor used the word anchor in his sermon. Our service concluded that day with the song “Stronger” by Hillsong. God used the chorus of that song to answer all the questions in my heart. What does 2015 hold for me? What’s going to happen that will cause me to hold on with both hands? Why Lord, why?

The answer came in the chorus of the song. God is going to use future events in 2015 to bring glory to his name. God used his whisper, our pastor, and that song to affirm anchor as my word for 2015. I must admit, I did not like the thought of an anchor. When I think of anchor, I think of troubled waters, fierce winds and frightening storms. I did not want to enter 2015 with the thought of it being a rough year. In my prayer journal for Monday, December 22, 2014, I wrote:

“Lord, I’m almost afraid now of 2015, but I know I can trust you. You are my anchor! With the very sound of your voice you can calm any storm- or you can calm your child.”

Over the next several days, I researched the use of the word anchor in the Bible. I discovered there are only a few references to an anchor. In Acts 27:29-30, Paul writes of dropping four anchors, while being shipwrecked. The unknown writer of Hebrews describes an anchor as hope in Hebrews 6:19. This is my verse for 2015.

 “We have this hope as an anchor for our soul, firm and secure.” (Hebrews 6:19 NIV)

Slowly, and with nervous apprehension, I begin to embrace the anchor. Even during the storms, trials, rough seas, and hang-on-for-dear-life moments, “Lord, I will be firmly attached to you-unmovable!”

When I look at the shape of an anchor, I notice, in the center is a cross resting on a semi-circle or crescent. The crescent allows the anchor to dig into the sand, but the weight of the cross holds it in place.

Let the weight of those words hold you in place.

The crescent allows the anchor to dig into the sand, but the weight of the cross holds it in place.

In my journal I wrote; “Lord, I don’t know what you are planning for me in 2015, but I trust you. You are my Anchor My hopeMy foundation. I will hold onto You, and the weight of  the cross will hold me in place.”

On January 1, 2015 I christened the New Year by creating a painting of an anchor and Hebrews 6:19. Every morning I smile as I look at the bright colors of my simple artwork. I rest in the assurance of whatever this year brings; my soul is anchored to the Lord, firm and secure!


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