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Angels Unaware

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have

entertained angels unawares

(Hebrews 13:2, ESV).

As we watched the tow truck hoist my friend’s totaled car, we heard these words, “We’re not leaving you.” These words of comfort came from complete strangers.

Saturday night, my friend Nicki and I were traveling home from visiting our friend in Maryland. We were somewhere on Route 29 South between Charlottesville and Lynchburg when we hit a deer, or rather the deer hit us. Living in this part of the Virginia, hitting a deer is a common occurrence. However, the event changes dramatically when the car collides with a 200 pound animal at 65+ mph in the middle of nowhere. Add to scene we had no GPS signal to locate our surroundings and we were on a blind turn, in the pitch dark, in 20 degree weather.

The accident sounded like an explosion. Debris from the car was all over the road, flying through the air with each passing car. Later, Nicki would describe me as a drill sergeant barking orders. I did not allow time to cry or panic. Immediately, I told Nicki to call her insurance company and I’ll call 911. “Lord, help!” I prayed. The main problem (other than a wrecked car) was that we didn’t have a clue where we were. We were in the middle of the country with no street lights, nor sight of any intersecting roads. We were in an area without GPS signal. Again I prayed, “Lord, only you know where we are. Send help!” While on the phone with 911, God answered that prayer! A firefighter family returning home from the grocery store drove past and turned back around to help. When I saw red flashing lights and firefighter symbol on the license plate, I knew God had answered our prayer! Immediately, Mr. Tyree was able to provide and exact position for the state police and the tow company. Mr. Tyree and his wife, and mother, stayed with us the entire time. They repeated over and over, “We’re not leaving you!”

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have

entertained angels unawares

(Hebrews 13:2, ESV).

We were told our accident occurred on Route 29 South, alongside the farm were the body of missing UVA college girl had been found. This family continued to reassure us, they were not leaving us! They provided a warm vehicle and offered us food and water. After the tow truck pulled away, the Tyree family drove us to the North Garden fire department for shelter while we waited for Nicki’s husband bring us home. Even at the fire department, they did not leave us.

This morning I read from Jesus Calling, a devotion book by Sarah Young. I read about giving thanks to the Lord in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18 and Ephesians 5:20). I also read, when we give thanks (regardless of how we feel) God will give joy (regardless of the circumstances).

God reminded me, that He sends angels among us, not angelic beings, but angels as in “God’s messengers.” Our angels were the Tyree family who disguise themselves as a firefighter for the North Garden fire department and his wife, a special education assistant. Mrs. Tyree disguises herself as a mother of five boys, special educations assistant and cook for the church’s Thanksgiving dinner, thus the need to go grocery shopping.

In the midst of a car accident, Nicki and I were able to give thanks to the Lord for the Tyree family! We walked away without a scratch and we met new friends in the process. As the author of Hebrews reminds us;“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares” (Hebrews 13:2, ESV).


“May you and I be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.”

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