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Pile Your Troubles on God’s Shoulders

Learn to Pile Your Troubles on God’s Shoulders.

Burdens lurking at every turn mound quicker than our weary minds can process. These additional burdens are unavoidable and not of our choosing.

“Pile your troubles on God’s shoulders – he’ll carry your load, he’ll help you out. He’ll never let good people topple into ruin.” (Psalm 55:22, MSG)

What Trouble is Piling up on You?

It is the bitter wrapped in sweet as your firstborn celebrates a monumental occasion?

Is joy wrapped in burden? Is your family stretching the all-too-thin dollar an inch farther for the <ahem> surprise child?

Perhaps you wrap tender compassion in heartache as you choose to bring your mama to live with you instead of a nursing home. A glance in a mirror and you see a middle-aged woman simultaneously caring for her aging mother and raises teenagers. One striving for independence, the other forced to relinquish independence. You pray for strength each day.

God Invites us to Pile our Troubles on His Shoulders.

Moses understood the stress of a sandstorm of burdens. He led the Israelites away from the oppressive former life of slavery under Pharaoh. The great need surrounding Moses overwhelmed him. His motley crew of refugees, though free, complained constantly.

The escaped Israelites had a front-row seat to the miraculous parting of the Red Sea, yet they had short attention spans of God’s mighty hand. God provided a daily Door Dash delivery in the middle of the desert as manna, but they still complained.

In desperation, Moses cried out to God, “I cannot carry all these people by myself; the burden is too heavy for me.” (Numbers 11:14)

The Lord replied to Moses, “Is the Lord’s arm too short?” (Numbers 11:23)

When burdens pile up, remember the heartfelt plea of Moses and God’s invitation to pile our troubles on His shoulders. God’s arms are not too short to reach, nor are His ears too dull to hear.

© 2021, 2024 April Dawn White

Revised and updated from February 4, 2021

Images courtesy of Laura Adia and Austin Walker Unsplash

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