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Seeing Is Believing

“Hey Mr. DJ, Hey Mr. DJ, I can you play my favorite song…I wanna hear that song about Jesus.” Those were the words on my mind when I awoke yesterday. I laughed. Those lyrics are from a Kirk Franklin song called “Jesus.” It is one of my all time favorite songs. It is a fast-paced R&B gospel song that will put a dance in your step and a smile on your face. But don’t take my word for it, log onto Pandora or You-tube and listen for yourself.

While getting ready for work, I played that song over and over again. With a hair brush as my microphone, my un-quiet time with the Lord was spent singing in a joyful noise and dancing around as I offered uncoordinated praise.

I finally put down my microphone aka hairbrush and I checked my email. I had a message from a sweet friend whose son is in my son’s 3rd grade class. Her son has just recently discovered his vision was impaired as a result of tumors on his eyes. They have made two trips to see specialists in Philadelphia. His condition is extremely rare. While in PA for this last visit, the doctors announced there is no explanation why her son can still see. The way these tumors have formed, he should have no vision, but yet he can still see.

She has an explanation….God has answered the prayers of His people.

There is a wonderful story in John 20:24-30 about the disciple Thomas. He doubted Jesus’ resurrection. Thomas said “Unless I see the nail marks in his hand…I will not believe.” Jesus appeared at that moment and Thomas believed. Jesus tells Thomas: “You believe because you have seen me, but Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.”

Seeing is believing. My friend’s child can still see and we believe God still answers prayers. We may not always see, know, or comprehend what God is doing in our life. However, we can see that God answers prayers.


“May you and I be mutually encouraged by each others faith.” Romans 1:12

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