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Who Told You That?

Who Told You that?

A ticker tape of negative thoughts scrolls across my mind. I squeeze my eyes shut to “take every thought captive” but the increasing brain fog prevents my ability to focus.  Exasperated, I talk to myself aloud; this stinkin thinkin is not true. Who told you that?

Recently, the battle of self-doubt and my identity has resurfaced. I am two years into my chronic illness. I have learned to accept most of the changes (though this is still a continual process). However, barbed negative thoughts snag my thinking, and scar my identity, self-doubt, and purpose.

Within a few days, I can usually pray and shake off the negativity, but instead of diminishing, this battle has gained strength. I began fighting back with vengeance. Now, each time a negative thought scrolls across my mind, I question myself aloud, “Who told you that?”  Then I rebuke the negative thought and replace it with truth from God’s Word.

Here is a list of I am proclamations of truth:

I am…

  1. A valiant warrior (Judges 6:12)

Strong shoes for Stony Path Corrie Ten Boom via Pixabay
  1. A secret weapon in God’s army (Isaiah 49:2)

  2. Unstoppable–Nothing formed against me shall prevail (Isaiah 54:17)

  3. Not afraid of evil for God is with me (Psalm 23:4)

  4. Taking negative thoughts captive and making them obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5)

  5. Fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14)

  6. A marred pot being transformed by the Potter into something He deems best (Jeremiah 18)

  7. A child of the Most High King (2 Corinthians 6:18)

  8. Clothed in God’s armor (Ephesians 6: 11)

  9. More than a conqueror (Romans 8:37)

  10. Seated in heavenly places with my Father and King (Ephesians 2:6)

  11. Actively listening to my Father’s voice each day during my #CoffeeWithJesus (John 10:27)

  12. Sustained and strengthened day-by-day though my sword is marred and my shield is dented (Psalm 89:21)

  13. Chosen by God (Ephesians 1:4)

  14. Loved by God (John 3:16)

  1. Forgiven by God (1 John 1:9)

  2. Sustained by God (Psalm 119:116)

  3. Strengthen by God (1 Peter 5:10)

  4. Led by God (Psalm 23)

  5. Guided by God (Isaiah 30:21)

  6. Comforted by God (Psalm 119:48-52)

  7. Secured by God (Psalm 16:8) *This is my life verse.

  8. Belong to God (1 John 4:4, NLT)

  9. Unable to hide from His presence (Psalms 139:7-12)

  10. The head and not the tail; Above and not below (Deuteronomy 28:13)

  11. Blessed when I come and blessed when I go (Deuteronomy 28:6)

  12. I am His. (Isaiah 43:1)

The enemy is a master deceiver who wants us to keep on believing the lies and negative thoughts in our mind. When those thoughts arise ask, “Who told you that?” if it did not come from God’s Word then it isn’t true.

Do you wrestle with negative thoughts or doubt? If so, who told you that?

Is there anything in your mind that you need to take captive to turn it over to Christ?

Which of these I am proclamations resonate with you the most? Consider writing a prayer on an index card to help you battle the next round of stinkin thinkin.

~April White

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